Carrying on with my Mama Stories Blogger Takeover – today’s post was written by Kirsty of Life With Boys blog. She lives in Scotland with her two boys – Jordan, her partner and gorgeous baby boy Harrison who was born in October 2016. She blogs all things baby and parenting. We first got chatting via Twitter
Oscar’s Premature Birth Story
As Baby Peaches arrival is imminent I’m now taking a little break from blogging. I’ll be about on social media and sharing the odd post, but to keep you all busy I have some wonderful bloggers lined up to step into my shoes and tell their Mama Stories of birth, fertility treatment and parenthood (plus
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Baby Peaches… We are ready for you!
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I thought maternity leave was meant to be restful, but it certainly hasn’t been so far! Clearly, I don’t know how to stop as it’s just been go, go, go since the day I stopped working. We even had a harebrained idea to put our house on the
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Pregnancy: Weeks 34-38 – The Countdown is officially on!
Eek, as I write this I’ll be 38+3 – where has the time gone?! I can’t our due date is in just 11 days time – if we make it that far, that is! These last few weeks have been a rollercoaster (as most of pregnancy is) so here is our latest update, and potentially
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My Maternity Leave Bucket List
WAHOO! I’m officially now on Maternity Leave! So far – it feels so bizarre, I’ve never had so much time off in the whole of my adult life, so a year off just feels crazy! It’s only my first day but I already feel like this is quite a surreal time, where I don’t have
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Our Baby Shower
I’m sure you will have seen my excited Instagrams, Tweets and maybe even heard my squeals from where you are, but last weekend we had our Baby Shower and I was VERY EXCITED! So excited, I ended up getting completely ready with hair and makeup done, 2 hours too early and just twiddled my thumbs
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My Birth Plan
My Birth Plan – a complicated, personal subject. Possibly even a pointless subject – Can you really predict the birth you are going to have? Everyone keeps telling me that birth plans go out of the window and not to bother – but my logic is, if you don’t have an idea of what you
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That Pregnancy Glow
One thing that has really boosted my spirits through this pregnancy is all the lovely compliments that have received along the way from the people around me. Everyone keeps saying I’m glowing, radiant and full of life and it gives me such a boost as trust me, I don’t feel like it all the time!
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Pregnancy: Weeks 28-34: When things don’t always go to plan
Time seems to be flying through this pregnancy now, I can’t believe that on Monday I’ll be 34 weeks – only 3 weeks away from the baby being fully cooked or ‘term’! Eek, things are really beginning to heat up now and it’s exciting and terrifying all in one. I can’t believe that in around
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Eek! I’m in the Third Trimester – A mega update!
Oh my god, can you believe it – we are into the third trimester already! It’s gone so quickly, but at the same time I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever. I can’t imagine what it’s like to eat brie, roll on my belly or drink gin, but we have not got long to go
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Pregnancy and Sleep – My Advice
Even before I was pregnant, I have always been the Princess and the Pea – the smallest thing will wake me up and totally ruin a whole nights sleep. I got used to the fact that, if I want to get a good nights sleep, everything has to be perfect – a comfy bed, the right
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Bellybuds Review – The sound system for the womb!
Anyone who knows me well, will know I love my gadgets, so when I found there are products you can get for your baby before they are born, I knew just had to give them a try. I had heard babies are soothed by their mothers voices and music so I wanted to give this a