I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but I am going to tell you my positive birth story. Yes, I actually experienced this elusive ‘positive birth’ that I’d heard everyone talking about but I’ll admit that in heart-of-hearts I never thought I’d ever be able to achieve. I might have even wondered if it was even
Pregnancy #2: 37 week update – we are fully cooked!
It’s hard to get my head around that as of today, our baby is FULLY COOKED and could arrive at any moment! The baby is apparently the size of a Honeydew Melon, and feels as heavy as one too. I am starting to feel like the baby is seriously starting to run out of space now and
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The things they DON’T tell you about your second pregnancy
They say every pregnancy is different, but I’ve been astounded this time to how different it really is! Part of that is down to my physical symptoms being totally different (so much so, we called the baby a boy for the first 16 weeks!) but my lifestyle is totally different now too. Instead of pregnancy
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Pregnancy #2: The Second Trimester
Somehow I find myself at TWENTY-NINE weeks pregnant, yes, you read that right – 29! The baby is the size of a Cottontail Rabbit, weighs as much as an Aubergine and packs a punch and a kick like no other! Violet’s little sister is definitely a feisty one, I get the feeling we are going to
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Pregnancy #2: Our 20 week update
Wow, how are we HALFWAY already?! This pregnancy is just racing by at the speed of light. I can’t believe that in just 18 weeks (I’m 22 weeks as I write this) I’ll be meeting our little baby and having those magical first moments together. I cannot WAIT! It’s weird, with Violet’s pregnancy I concentrated so
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Whats on my Bedside Table: Pregnancy Edition
I’ve been a bit wrapped up with everything pregnancy and babies recently on the blog, so I thought I’d post something slightly different for today. Going back to my roots, before I hit the parenting blogging scene, I was more a beauty blogger – believe it or not. I know, my chipped nail varnish, slick
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A Second Baby: My Hopes and Fears
I feel like my two pregnancies have been different in so many ways. I’ve had completely different symptoms and the biggest change has been how I’ve been feeling emotionally. I think with Violet’s pregnancy, I didn’t really know what to expect, so it was a constant excitement and apprehension that goes with anything new. This
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Pregnancy #2: Our gender reveal
When it comes to finding out the babies gender, I am the MOST impatient person in the world. People say to me ‘don’t you fancy having a surprise?’ but the organiser and meticulous planner in me just wouldn’t be able to cope with that. I like to prepare, I like to know. How would we choose
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Pregnancy #2: First Trimester
When my pregnancy app flagged up a notification saying ‘Welcome to the Second Trimester!’ I had to do a double take. HOW are we in the second trimester already? It feels like I’ve only just peed on that stick, it doesn’t feel real at all! This pregnancy has just flown by in comparison to Violet’s.
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Life is Peachy: Baby Scans and Birthday Parties
Hello! We are currently on the M4 on the way home from Gloucestershire so I thought I’d drop in with a quick life update with everything we have been up recently! Apart from being ill, with two bouts of a sickbug and a cold, life has also been pretty hectic. We don’t do things by
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Bonding & Motherhood with Huggies Newborn Wipes
When you are expecting a baby there is so much advice out there, it’s hard to know who to trust. Everyone has an opinion and it’s a total minefield! I’ve found so far, the best people to turn to are my friends who already have children. They’ve been there and done it, so are the
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Introducing Violet
You may have noticed things have been rather quiet around here…. That is because Violet Sandra arrived on 24th February 2017 and has turned our lives upside down! After a traumatic birth, she arrived into the world at 02:54am and life has not been the same since. I cannot imagine life without her now, our