I’m by no means a pregnancy expert. Being a first time Mum-to-be has meant every ache, pain, twinge and tweak is new to me so I’m constantly googling things or checking with other Mummy friends – it’s such a rollercoaster. However, as I’m now firmly into the second trimester, I feel like I’m getting into the swing of things. It’s also meant I’ve had plenty of time for trial and error about what has worked for me and what hasn’t in my quest to keep my ever-changing body comfortable. So, this post is all about the things I have LOVED over the last 4-5 months – everything here has been tried, tested and approved by me. So, if you are newly pregnant maybe this will save you some time in finding the good stuff and maybe if you’ve had a baby before there might be something new here for you too! Onto the list…
This is one of my top products! I started sleeping with an extra pillow between my legs really early on – As I had IVF and had to recover from my operation but I just couldn’t be without it, even from the start. I’ve now upgraded to the Theraline Maternity pillow, which is just the most amazing comfiest thing in the world. It’s a long sausage shape you can lay next to and cuddle into, it’s also stuffed with a ‘bean bag’ type filling, meaning you can squish the beans into the bits you want to make softer/harder to really help it mould into your body shape. Plus, when the baby is born you can wrap it around you and use it as a nursing cushion too, it’s so versatile and such a comfy product I’m sure I’ll continue to use it whether I’m pregnant or not!
I’m a big fan of Seabands, I remember using them when I was a little girl for travel sickness and now I’ve got an adult pair for both morning sickness and motion sickness in pregnancy. They are a natural way of helping with nausea/sickness as they use acupressure points around your wrist, so it saves taking unnecessary drugs. I have just used them going to/from Malta and on a couple of boat trips and I think they really helped. I felt really sick during one car journey and put them on and within 5 minutes I was feeling better.
I’ve been doing my best to avoid stretch marks and even though it’s early days I haven’t got any yet. The Preggo Support Tank is fab as it’s made from ‘Wonderweave‘ fabric that locks moisture in, so you can apply moisturiser/oil to your bump then pop the top on for all day moisture. As well as being soft and comfy, the tank also has support panels to give added support to your bump too. They’ve thought of everything!
I’ve been lucky enough to be sent two Maternity/Nursing bras from Bravado, the Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra and the Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra. Both are super soft and comfy, a good test of this is that I wasn’t dying to take it off after a long day! A good bra is absolutely essential as my chest was hurting so much and growing too. I can definitely say I’ve ditched the underwire for the time being and am firmly into the ‘Mummy Bra’ section. Luckily, the Bravado collection isn’t frumpy either and both bras are suitable for nursing too, so I’ll be wearing them for a long while yet.
These are a must-have for any pregnancy as documenting each stage is so much fun! I love watching my body change and grow and with these cards I’ll remember each date forever. I have also bought the newborn set to document babies growth too, can’t wait to use them!
Everyone in the pregnancy forums seems to fight the urge to get into maternity jeans, but I caved and changed into them by 10 weeks and I am SO GLAD I DID as they are the comfiest thing, EVER. Why be uncomfortable when you don’t need to? I absolutely love my maternity jeans from George at Asda, they were super cheap and are mega comfy. I’d also recommend over-bump as appose to under-bump. I have both and the under-bump jeans just fall down all the time, annoying! I might keep my maternity jeans as you never know, they’ll come in handy for big Christmas dinners and such in the future!
Bio Oil is the holy grail of stretch mark oils and I’ve been using original Bio Oil and also Body Care Oil which is Lloyds Pharmacy own brand, which I’ve found just as good and much cheaper! I use my oil every night before bed and so far, it’s all looking good but I’ll report back on that one. They say stretch marks are genetic so it might not be possible to totally stop them but I want to do everything I can to at least help. I have also been using this oil with my home-doppler, it doubles up as a great ultrasound jelly too!
Pregnancy brings SO MANY QUESTIONS for every woman. I’m not sure where I would be without a good supply of ‘What to expect’ books and apps to answer my every query. I also absolutely love Mondays as it’s ‘bump day’ – my apps have lots of new information about the new week and it’s time to find out the babies size (which is usually compared to a vegetable or a ‘weird but cute animal’.) As for books I’ve loved ‘What to Expect when you are Expecting‘ (a classic but you can’t fault it) and Truly Happy Baby by Holly Willoughby. The apps I’ve loved are Ovia, Pregnancy+ and BabyCentre’s Preg & Baby. If you want to make cute Instagram pictures with sweet labels and milestones, Baby Story is the best baby/pregnancy focused photo editing app.
When I have been feeling rough sometimes the only thing that made me feel better was a good pampering session. I also felt I needed to spend a bit more time on self-care as I found both my skin and hair type massively changed too. One of the most magical products I’ve tried since being pregnant is the Olverum Bath Oil, it’s just the most luxurious, spa like scent and it so calming for the mind, body and soul, it’s just heaven! I’ve enjoyed many warm (never hot!) baths with this in the last couple of months. The only thing I’d say about Olverum is due to the high levels of essential oils, double check with your midwife before use as the skin is extra sensitive during pregnancy. Luckily I’ve been ok, but it’s best to check! 🙂
Ok, so this one is a bit of a joke for the last point but ENJOY eating for two! If you are craving a piece of cake, just enjoy it and don’t feel too bad about it. Your body is doing amazing things, treat yourself.
Right, so thats my wonderful list! Alongside this post, over the next few weeks head over to my Instagram as I’ll be posting a picture of each item in action with a few more pregnancy tips along the way too!
What are your top pregnancy products? I’d love to hear in the comments below 🙂
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This post contains collaborative links however all thoughts and opinions are my own
Totally unrelated to the main topic…but I HAVE THOSE BEDSHEETS!
Great post!! I really need to check out a few of these. And I totally agree about maternity jeans, I was still trying to squeeze into my regular jeans at 5 months but now I’m like the world’s too ambassador for maternity jeans haha. Especially the mothercare ones! I’ve also been loving Palmers stretch mark lotion and using Johnsons baby oil as a bath oil