Summer time is all about the beachy waves, a natural, straight out of the sea, surfer girl style, that always looks so effortlessly simple. However, I wish it were that easy…! My hair is naturally straight so when I come out of the sea I definitely don’t look like a surfer girl, I rock more of drowned rat look with a touch of frizz – a style, far, far from the classic beachy wave! Luckily for me, after much frustration and experimenting with the right products I’ve finally found a technique that is simple, quick and creates a natural beachy look, that literally takes just minutes. This style has been an absolute godsend for those early morning starts and when I don’t feel like doing anything complicated with my hair and has been my go-to style this summer.
The key to this style is products. There isn’t a difficult technique to master at all, its all about finding the right products to give the hair hold, bounce and lift. So, I’ve out together a little selection of the products and tools that am loving at the moment…

How I create my beachy waves:
Step 1: Cleanse and Condition – I start off by using a volumising shampoo to kick start the process of adding bounce and volume to my hair (my favourite being the amazing Tigi Bedhead Epic Volume Shampoo- it literally is epic), next I condition. I either use a volumising conditioner or Blonde Colour protect conditioner to keep my blonde hair bright and free of brassiness.
Step 2: Drying and scrunching! After washing my hair and conditioning, I roughly towel dry my hair and spray through with a Sea Salt spray (the essential product for beachy waves) I dry my hair on a low setting (starting with my head tipped upside down), scrunching sections of my hair with my hands to add volume, adding a natural looking wave. When my hair is around 80% dry I lightly spritz more sea salt spray in and continue to dry my hair with the ‘scrunching technique’ until it’s completely dry.
Step 3: Tidy and Curl – By this point, my hair is looking a little messy and rough so to start tidying things up, I add just a few very loose random curls with my C1 Corioliss Straighteners and run my fingers through them to break them up, creating more of a natural look. I also straighten my fringe.
Step 4: Finishing Touches – I add my finishing touches by rubbing a very small peasized amount of serum to my palms and lightly glossing over the strands just adding shine and removing any frizz. I add a touch of Matte Putty, this gives my layers and waves a bit more definition and hold. The final finishing touch is a spritz of hairspray – and, ta da! Beachy waves in 5 minutes.
This style is so simple I’ve even managed to do it in the car using my Corioliss In-Car hair straighteners (obviously I wasn’t driving!)

Another really simple technique I’ve experimented with is plating my hair overnight, that works well too, although it’s best to keep the plaits loose or it’s easy to end up with a rather 80’s look (I speak from experience).
What are your top Summer hair products and tricks?
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– Post written in collation with Capital Hair and Beauty,
however all thoughts, techniques and waves are my own