Life Lately #14: A weekend of homemaking, babies and picnics
I’ve just had one of the loveliest weekends in a long time. Firstly, we started doing the flat up, buying new bits for it and making it our own. It’s going to take a lot of work, but it’s been really fun personalising it and giving it a good scrub! I was up at 8am on Saturday morning and started cleaning until gone lunchtime, I actually quite enjoyed myself – I put my tunes on and danced around, sorting and cleaning. Much to my horror delight, an inflatable Darlek turned up on Saturday for the living room (yes, she wasn’t joking!) and a few new cushions, mugs, pretty things etc. So it’s most definitely looking a lot more personal, and starting to look good already!
I spent Saturday afternoon with the lovely Brighton bloggers. We all descended on Laura of Chambray and Curls, who had organised the most gorgeous tea party and picnic for us all. We have such a friendly circle of bloggers here in Brighton, I’m so lucky to have met them, and now I can call them my very good friends in ‘real life’ too. Laura put on quite a spread and we all chipped in with a little bag of goodies so we ended up with so much food we couldn’t possibly eat it all. From savoury treats like humous, pittas and scotch eggs, to a crazy amount of sugary snacks, cakes and brownies – we had it all. All washed down with a selection of teas and a glass of elderflower fizz, we really were spoilt. We chatted in the garden and cooed over Athena (Lauren’s little girl) posing on the grass in her cute pink tutu. It was really lovely to catch up with all the girls and a big thank you to Laura (and Harry) for having us over.
I spent Saturday night with some friends of Vee’s who were from London & Cambridge, so we took them onto the pier and went on a few rides. I’m not sure I enjoyed them much after a couple of pints of beer and we all walked off feeling rather queasy! I then heard the best dance version of ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen in one of the bars, everyone was dancing and singing along – it made my night!
The weather on Sunday was lovely so I headed out for lunch with Andrea and her gorgeous girl Lily, who is now 9 months. We had a Nando’s in the sunshine on Brighton Marina and a magnum (yes, my weekend revolved around eating and drinking!). Lily is so lovely and gave me the best hug ever when I went to leave. I can’t believe how quickly Lily is growing up; I must pop over and see her more as I don’t want to miss a moment of it 🙂
It’s been a really fun, tiring weekend but so lovely to catch up with good friends from near and far! What did you get up to?